3 Tips for Faster Spool Sheets
November 8, 2023
Spooling holds immense importance within the construction procedure, and any mistakes or imprecisions in the blueprints could result in expensive revisions and time setbacks. However, the spooling process is highly intricate and time-consuming.
By utilizing EVOLVE, individuals can swiftly opt for elements, allocate spool identifications, and promptly generate prefab sheets comprising 3D perspectives, plans and elevations, along with bill of materials, all accomplished in minutes. The definition of spools for mechanical or electrical projects transforms into an effortless endeavor with the assistance of EVOLVE.
Below we’ve outlined the 3 tips to help you stay lean, and move quickly to create highly quality spool sheets. To get all the details on spooling automation, and an ideal spooling workflow from start-to-finish, check out this video demonstration.
1 - Only have views you need:
Though basic, it's a good rule of thumb to only have views on your sheet that you will need. Since EVOLVE must create and process options on all views created, you are likely to see performance increases from omitting and that are not needed.
2 - Limit the use of Place On Sheet:
When a view in the title block has Place On Sheet unchecked, EVOLVE still creates this view for future use even though it is not ultimately placed on the sheet. This is a powerful tool that gives you options if you need to customize your spool sheet during finalization. However, if you use this too much it can affect performance.

3 - Limit use of Tags and Dimensions:
Tagging and dimensioning are great tools for automating your deliverables but they do take time when creating. As a standard, just be sure to only use this on views that need them.

There are just a few tricks to help you when spooling for either mechanical or electrical designs. To learn more about how EVOLVE automation features assists with spooling, schedule a demo with our team. You can also check out these eBooks to see additional automation features for electrical and mechanical BIM designs.