




How Automated Conduit Routing Will Save Your BIM Team

July 1, 2024

Alright, let’s talk about conduit routing in Revit, the bane of every BIM designer’s existence.

Picture this: you’re knee-deep in a complex electrical BIM project, and you need to route conduits. Sounds simple, right? Wrong.

First off, accurately modeling conduits in Revit isn’t just about drawing lines. It’s about achieving a high level of detail (LOD) so that every conduit fits perfectly within your design constraints.

This level of precision demands meticulous attention to detail and an inordinate amount of time. It’s like trying to thread a needle in the dark.

Now, Revit isn’t exactly known for being user-friendly. It’s got a steep learning curve that can make even seasoned professionals break a sweat. You need to be a pro, not just at using Revit’s routing tools but also at understanding their limitations.

But wait, there’s more. Every time there’s a design change, you’re back at square one. You might have to re-route your conduits all over again. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a labor-intensive, time-consuming process that can drive you up the wall, especially if changes are frequent and significant.

Sure, Revit offers automated conduit routing tools. But if you think these tools are your golden ticket, think again. They often fall short of producing optimal results. You’ll find yourself making manual adjustments to ensure your conduits meet design requirements.

In short, routing conduits in Revit is a colossal challenge for BIM designers. It’s a dance of precision, patience, and proficiency. And unless you’ve got the skills and the stamina, it’s easy to get tangled up in this intricate web.

EVOLVE has heard your complaints and introduced a solution!

What is Automated Conduit Routing? 

Automated conduit routing is a feature within the latest update of EVOLVE Electrical designed to simplify and accelerate the process of laying out conduits in a BIM project. This tool allows users to define pathways for conduits and automatically generates the routes, taking into account project-based settings and specific requirements for electrical equipment.

Key Features of Automated Conduit Routing 
  1. Project-Based Settings: Automated conduit routing utilizes project-based settings, ensuring that all configurations are consistent across the project. This includes the maximum distance between equipment and the defined pathway, spacing of conduits, and more. These settings are stored in the Revit file, making them accessible to anyone with an EVOLVE license.

  2. Integration with Conduit Run Schedule: The conduit run schedule plays a crucial role in the automated routing process. It contains essential information such as the start and finish points, parallel quantity, conduit type, and size. This schedule ensures that all relevant data is incorporated into the routing process, maintaining consistency and accuracy.

  3. Pathway and Equipment Identification: For the routing to be effective, pathways need to be established, and equipment identified. The tool evaluates the pathway and routes conduits accordingly. Users can also import or export settings, making it easier to apply the same configurations across different projects.

Real-World Examples

Example 1: Simple Equipment Layout 

In a straightforward setup, users can quickly establish pathways and use the automated routing tool to lay out conduits between electrical panels and other equipment. The tool provides a clean and efficient way to handle conduit placements, significantly reducing manual efforts.

Example 2: Complex Equipment with Custom Parameters 

For more complex projects, users can add custom parameters to equipment families to ensure they are recognized by the routing tool. This flexibility allows teams to adapt the tool to various project needs, ensuring that all equipment is properly accounted for in the routing process.

Example 3: Multi-Point Routing 

In scenarios where multiple conduits need to be routed through various points, the automated conduit routing tool shines. It efficiently manages the routing from one piece of equipment to another, even through intermediate points like pull boxes. This feature is particularly useful in larger projects where manual routing would be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy 

Automated conduit routing not only speeds up the design process but also enhances accuracy. By utilizing predefined settings and schedules, the tool ensures that all conduits are placed correctly, following the specified guidelines. This reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures that the design is consistent with project requirements.

Automated conduit routing in EVOLVE Electrical is a significant advancement in BIM technology. By automating the mundane and repetitive tasks of conduit placement, it allows BIM teams to focus on more critical aspects of their projects. This not only improves efficiency but also enhances the overall quality of the designs. Schedule a demo with our team to get started today!