




“We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know” - Get Visibility into Prefab Operations

July 29, 2024

The need for efficient, transparent operations isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. But a lack of visibility into prefab operations can turn managing schedules, resources, and workflows into a nightmare. For many prefab managers, the phrase "we don't know what we don't know" resonates deeply. You’re left stumbling in the dark, guessing what's happening on the shop floor, and praying everything falls into place. Spoiler alert: it rarely does.

EVOLVE Shop. This isn’t just a project management software; it’s your secret weapon to master the prefabrication chaos. Imagine having a crystal-clear view of every detail, knowing exactly what's happening, when, and why. With EVOLVE Shop, you don’t just manage projects—you command them, turning confusion into clarity and chaos into control.

The Challenge of Limited Visibility

Without up-to-date information, you're not just risking productivity—you're gambling with your project's success. Common problems include:

  • Missed Deadlines: Without real-time updates, it's challenging to keep track of project progress, often resulting in missed deadlines.

  • Misuse of Labor: Unclear visibility can lead to either underutilized or overscheduling of labor resources.

  • Coordination & Communication Issues: When teams lack visibility into the progress of a project coordination breaks down leading to errors, rework, and delayed projects.

  • Accessible Information: Time and effort are wasted in tracking down information, clarifying misunderstandings. Mistakes arise with schedules and purchasing when your team members cannot easily access up-to-date information. 

How EVOLVE Shop Provides Visibility

EVOLVE Shop is designed to bridge these gaps by providing comprehensive visibility into prefab operations. Here’s how it helps: Real-Time Updates: 

  • Live Dashboards: EVOLVE Shop provides a live Kanban dashboard that displays the current status of all ongoing assemblies. Managers can see which tasks are on track, which are delayed, and allocate resources and change schedules accordingly.

  • Instant Notifications: Team members receive instant notifications about changes or updates, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

Easy Access to Revit Data:

  • Automated BOM: With BOMs instantly delivered from Revit, managing materials is a breeze.

  • No more printing or exporting: BIM managers can easily publish fabrication spool drawings, cut lists, and other files directly to the fabrication work request.

Improved Coordination:

  • Centralized Information: All project information is stored in one central location, accessible to everyone involved. By consolidating all the data you need into a single location, you can streamline processes, reduce manual steps, accomplish more, and complete projects faster.

  • Collaboration Tools: Built-in collaboration tools facilitate seamless communication between teams, whether they are in the office or on the shop floor. This reduces the risk of miscommunication and errors.

Efficiency and Productivity:

  • Performance Analytics: Get a bird’s eye view of operations to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. EVOLVE Shop provides insights into areas that need improvement, helping managers make data-driven decisions.

In the realm of prefabrication, visibility is a necessity. The unknowns in your operations can be a significant barrier to efficiency, productivity, and success. EVOLVE Shop offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges, providing the transparency and tools needed to manage prefab operations effectively. By embracing this technology, companies can uncover the unknowns, optimize their workflows, and achieve greater project success. Ready to get started? Discover how EVOLVE Shop can transform your prefab operations and provide the visibility you need. Visit our website or contact us for a demo today.